
Kiian >>
Industrail Decoration
Industrial Decoration
The finishing of panels, edges and profiles
made of plastic material or MDF chipboard to obtain
simil-wood-marbled or other decorative effects,
exploits several industrial technologies. Right
in this industrial area, which requires innovation
and vanguard technology , we have developed solutions
for direct printing.
An extremely flexible system which allows the
dynamic running of the production process as well
as the rationalization of stock levels and the
optimization of costs management.
Furthermore, this system represents a prompt
reply to the requirements of modern markets, demanding
extreme personalizations and execution quickness.
Our attention is mainly focused on the research
of performing solutions, therefore we have developed
, in cooperation with the most important world
manufacturers of industrial machines, both a series
of inks and a wide range of overprint varnishes
for application on continuous printing lines equipped
with rotogravure technology.